德国设计 品质保障


German design High quality

    佳宝来机械(昆山)有限公司是德国Kabelschlepp Group在昆山设立的全资子公司,成立于20080319日,位于江苏省昆山市张浦镇横贯泾路508号德国工业园2号厂房。主要研发和生产排屑器,机床护罩等机床附件和电缆的拖链系统及其零部件,我们有成熟的钣金生产技术,拥有整套的钣金生产设备,从激光下料,折弯,焊接到喷漆,组装,也对外提供钣金加工服务


    Kabelschlepp(China) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of German Kabelschlepp Group. It was established on March 19, 2008. It is located in the No. 2 plant of the German Industrial Park, No. 508, Hengguanjing Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City. Mainly develop and produce chip conveyors, machine tool protective system and cable carriers. We have mature sheet metal production technology and a complete set of sheet metal production equipment, from laser cutting, bending, Welding to painting, assembly, and we also provide sheet metal parts manufacturing service.

